Reading competition

  • Cycle 4
  • Read, recite or present something aloud

Learning objective

Present a topic orally

Learning objective

Learning objective

Learning objective

Learning objective

Learning assignment

Master a text well and read it aloud to an audience.


The teacher provides the students with a selection of texts or asks them to choose a text from a book.


Task instructions for the students

Read the text out loud. Divide it into small sections. When you are ready, record the text. Read each section one by one and record them. Make sure to articulate the text clearly and make the story sound interesting and engaging. If a sentence doesn't come out well, you can simply delete it and re-record. You can also record the text together with your classmates. In this case, you can assign different roles to each person.

Possible uses Babbelix

Babbelix can be used to prepare for a reading competition.

The following aspects are usually evaluated in a reading competition:

Volume and clarity: How well can the text be understood? Is it pronounced loudly enough and clearly so that all listeners can hear and understand it easily?

Expression and emphasis: Is the text read out vividly and expressively? Are important points, emotions and moods highlighted through appropriate emphasis and intonation?

Fluency and pace: how smoothly and evenly is the text read? Is the reading speed appropriate to follow the listeners without the presentation seeming rushed or boring?

Correct pronunciation and intonation: are the words pronounced and emphasised correctly? Are difficult or unusual words pronounced correctly?

Comprehension of the text: Does the reader show a good understanding of the text? Does it become clear that the reader has grasped the plot, characters and mood of the text?

Gestures and facial expressions: How well does the body language support the presentation? Are gestures and facial expressions used to make the text come alive and easier to follow?

Posture and self-confidence: How confident and self-assured does the reader appear? Is their p

Relation to textbook

Relation to textbook

Social form

Group of two
Small group

Sources / links

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